OBCI is proud to present webinars on a variety of bird and conservation-related topics. All webinars are free and no special software is required to attend.
If you have topic ideas or are interested in hosting a webinar, please contact Matthew Shumar, OBCI’s Program Coordinator, at obcicoordinator@gmail.com.
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Archived Webinars
Sandhill Crane Recovery and Current Status in Ohio
Presented by:
Laura Kearns, PhD
Wildlife Biologist, ODNR-Division of Wildlife
21 March, 2023 at 1:00pm
Sandhill cranes, currently listed as state threatened, have made a tremendous recovery in Ohio, and the region, since they returned to the state as breeders in 1987. This talk will include an overview of sandhill crane biology and life history, provide an update of the current population status and extent in Ohio, and highlight the upcoming Ohio Crane Count on Saturday April 15, 2023. Laura Kearns has been a wildlife biologist for the ODNR-Division of Wildlife since 2014 and works with a variety of nongame avian species including raptors, waterbirds, marshbirds, and songbirds. She has been studying birds for over 20 years and has worked on a variety of avian conservation and research projects in Wisconsin, Florida, Virginia, and New York. In addition, she holds a M.S. in Resource Ecology Management from the University of Michigan, where she studied black-throated blue warblers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and a PhD in Wildlife Science from the Ohio State University, where she studied the effects of predation risk on nesting songbirds in central Ohio’s riparian forests.
Chimney Swifts: nature’s imperiled avian insectivores
Presented by:
Judy Semroc
Owner, Nature Spark
22 November, 2022 at 1:00pm
Judy Semroc is an area field biologist and naturalist, who spent the past 20+ years working in the Natural Areas Division as a Conservation Specialist with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. She has co-authored two natural history guides, Dragonflies & Damselflies of Northeast Ohio and Goldenrods of Northeast Ohio: A Field Guide to Identification & Natural History. Judy is also the founder of Chrysalis in Time‚ the first Ohio chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA) and serves on the board of the Ohio Bluebird Society & Ohio Ornithological Society (Conservation Committee). As a former petroleum geologist and middle school science teacher, Judy loves to learn about and share her passion for the natural world through interpretive hikes, PPT programs and photography. Learn more about Judy’s latest adventures & offerings through her new company, Nature Spark!
Website: www.naturesparkohio.com
Habitat restoration in Columbus & Franklin County Metro Parks
Presented by:
Carrie Morrow
Assistant Resource Manager, Columbus & Franklin County Metro Parks
20 September, 2022 at 1:00pm
Carrie Morrow is the Assistant Resource Manager for Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks. She is currently managing several habitat restoration and invasive plant removal projects as well as coordinating biotic survey efforts and implementing GIS data systems into the natural resource management program. She holds a B.S. in Wildlife Management and Forestry from The Ohio State University. Carrie has also worked for the ODNR-Division of Natural Areas & Preserves, assisting with studies of Ohio’s rare and endangered plant species and communities and coordinating invasive plant education throughout the state. She is currently serving on the boards of the Ohio Invasive Plants Council and Green Lawn Cemetery Association. She lives in Grove City with her husband, two children and two rescued dogs.
Using new technologies to understand migratory connectivity in Eastern Whip-poor-wills
Presented by:
Aaron Skinner
Fullbright Student Researcher, Colombia
26 July, 2022 at 1:00pm
Migratory bird populations can be limited by events in disparate parts of the world. An understanding of events outside of the breeding season (e.g. migratory and winter ecology) is critical for a full annual cycle approach to the conservation of rapidly declining species. The Eastern whip-poor-will is a rapidly declining (70% in the last 50 years) nightjar, yet data remains elusive for the species outside of the breeding season. We extracted data from 52 GPS tags and satellite imagery from individuals tagged across the Midwestern U.S. to understand large-scale migratory movements and space/land use on the wintering grounds.
Ecology and Management of Grassland Birds in Ohio
Presented by:
Joseph Lautenbach
Wildlife Biologist, ODNR-Division of Wildlife
24 May, 2022 at 1:00pm
Birds dependent on grassland systems are extremely varied and include raptors, shorebirds, and many passerines. Unfortunately, many grassland birds have experienced extensive declines throughout North America. Learn about the ecology and management of this unique suite of species.
Lloyd Library: Every Yard Counts: Making Your Home Bird Friendly
Presented by:
Matthew Shumar
Program Coordinator, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative
24 March, 2022 at 7:00pm
This webinar was hosted by our friends at the Lloyd Library in Cincinnati, as part of their “One the Wing” bird exhibit. Despite global conservation efforts and successes, many bird species have continued to decline over the past century. These declines received a lot of attention recently with the published paper in Science, detailing the loss of 3 billion birds in North America, as well as Audubon’s report on climate change. Many of the species detailed in these reports are Neotropical migrants, and cover vast amounts of land in a given year. Join us to learn about how you can make your yards and homes bird-friendly and support populations of migratory birds.
Nature vs. Nurture: Parental care does not mitigate consequences of poor environmental conditions in Eastern Bluebirds
Presented by:
Madeline Sudnick
Graduate student researcher, University of Arkansas
22 March, 2022 at 1:00pm
Maddie will discuss her research assessing environmental and parental care factors that influence offspring development in Eastern Bluebirds.
![Blake Mathys holding a banded Barred Owl](https://obcinet.org/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_blakemathys_bdow.jpg)
Central Ohio Owl Project
Presented by:
Blake Mathys, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Ohio Dominican University
25 January, 2022
Owls are popular and charismatic birds, but their secretive and nocturnal habits make them hard to find and difficult to study. This project uses citizen science and targeted searches to gain a better understanding of the abundance and distribution of Ohio’s rarest owl species. Discover more about the Central Ohio Owl Project online here: https://www.ohiodominican.edu/owlproject.
Bird Safe Guelph: Community solutions to avian conservation in an increasingly urban landscape
Presented by:
Matthew Shumar
Program Coordinator, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative
11 January, 2022
Our friends at the University of Guelph’s Bird Safe Guelph program have developed a monthly seminar series focused on bird-building collisions. We were invited to present on the work across our Lights Out program. The link to the recording is below, but we encourage everyone to also view the other presentations in this series as they shed important insight into the complex issues of addressing wildlife conservation issues in urban landscapes.
![Wild Turkeys](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_witu_shumar01.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Wild Turkeys
Presented by:
Jennifer Elsworth
Metroparks of the Toledo Area
18 November, 2015
In this webinar, we’ll cover Wild Turkeys 101: life history along with an update on their current status in Ohio with some fun facts interwoven in!
This webinar was sponsored by: The Nature Conservancy in Ohio
![Free range cat with dead bird](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_cat_marek01.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Keeping Cats Indoors
Presented by:
Grant Sizemore
Director of Invasive Species Programs for American Bird Conservancy
21 October, 2015
Domestic cats (Felis catus) can make great pets. When permitted outdoors, however, these animals are a well-known predator of birds and other wildlife and are an extension of the human footprint on natural systems. Join Grant Sizemore, Director of Invasive Species Programs for American Bird Conservancy, as he discusses the science of outdoor domestic cats, their impacts on birds and people, and the need for effective management.
This webinar was sponsored by: Rebecca Rose
![Greenlawn Cemetery](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_greenlawn.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Green Lawn Cemetery…A Very Special Park
Presented by:
Randy Rogers
Green Lawn Cemetery Board Member
16 September, 2015
Green Lawn board member Randy Rogers will discuss both the natural and human history of Green Lawn Cemetery, an Important Bird Area, and also share current projects that will enhance the park for visitors that arrive on either legs or wings!
![Lark Sparrow](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_laspnorthwest1.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Balancing Agriculture and Breeding Birds in Northwest Ohio
Presented by:
Rachel Hefflinger
MetroParks of the Toledo Area
19 August, 2015
Many native species of bird make their nests on the ground in open fields of NW Ohio. These fields can be faux-habitat for nesting birds when they are subjected to intense agricultural and land management practices, leading to little to no success of the eggs reaching fledging. Adjusted management and responsible monitoring are the keys to ensuring the survival and enjoyment of these species for many future.
This webinar was sponsored by: Global Conservation Connections
![Canoes in front of downtown Toledo](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_metroparkstoledo.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: How Outdoor Recreation Can Benefit Birds
Presented by:
Lauren McCafferty
MetroParks of the Toledo Area
15 July, 2015
Many people fear that activities like kayaking, snowshoeing, and archery damage habitat and are detrimental to wildlife. But as long as recreation is thoughtful and responsible, it can actually inspire others to value natural resources and support conservation efforts. In this webinar, I’ll share examples of how Metroparks of the Toledo Area has successfully used outdoor recreation as a vehicle for conservation, and discuss how other agencies could do the same.
This webinar was sponsored by: The Nature Conservancy in Ohio
![Yellow Perch](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_perch.jpg)
Fish & Wildlife Series: Managing Lake Erie Walleye and Perch Populations
Presented by:
Jeff Tyson
Lake Erie Program Administrator, ODNR–Division of Wildlife
10 July, 2015
In Lake Erie, inter-jurisdictional yellow perch and walleye resources are managed by multiple agencies under the auspices of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s Joint Strategic Plan for the Management of Great Lakes Fisheries. Because of the shared nature of these resources (i.e. fish do not respect jurisdictional boundaries), there is the potential for the actions (or harvest) of one jurisdiction to affect other jurisdictions, therefore, consensus decisions on, among other things, harvest, are required by individual agencies. Because of the differences in the nature of the fisheries that operate in different jurisdictions, the Lake Erie Committee agencies use harvest quotas (total maximum “safe” harvest levels) as tools for effectively managing the yellow perch and walleye populations in Lake Erie for sustainability. Each agency around Lake Erie is responsible for implementing individual regulations on various fisheries within their jurisdiction to ensure that their harvest does not exceed their portion of the harvest quota. In this webinar I will detail the process that the Lake Erie Committee uses for estimating the status (or health) of yellow perch and walleye populations in Lake Erie, establishing annual harvest quotas, how Ohio allocates these fishery resources among various user groups (recreational and commercial sectors), and how Ohio ensures that these quotas are not exceeded.
![Controlled burn to manage oak ecosystems](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_fire.jpg)
Fish & Wildlife Series: Playing with fire, managing oak ecosystems
Presented by:
Joanne Rebbeck & Todd Hutchinson
US Forest Service Northern Research Station
21 April, 2015
Historically, fire was a frequent disturbance process in the mixed-oak forests of the central hardwoods region. Fire control has altered forest structure and composition. Today’s forests are more dense and the sustainability of oak and hickory dominance is now threatened by an abundance of shade-tolerant and fire sensitive tree species such as red maple, sugar maple, and beech. Prescribed fire has been advocated to promote and sustain open-structured mixed-oak forests and the plants and animals that have adapted to these communities. However, long-term research on fire effects is lacking. Highlights from research initiated in 1995 to quantify the effects of frequent and periodic prescribed fires on oak forest ecosystems in southeastern Ohio will be presented.
![parrot eye](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_coloration.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Good Birders Wear Whatever They Want. Understanding How Birds See the World
Presented by:
Casey Tucker
15 April, 2015
Understanding how birds see the world around them can not only improve our skills as birders but may also have implications for improved conservation actions. We’ll discuss the avian visual system and how humans can exploit it to reduce avian mortality and improve habitats.
![Bird bander placing a band on a Gray Catbird](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_banding.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Bird Banding, A Tool for Studying Ohio’s Birds
Presented by:
Tom Bartlett
Master Bird Bander
18 March, 2015
Bird banding is a tool that has been used for over 100 years to study birds worldwide. It is said that Audubon once captured an Eastern Phoebe and tied a piece of thread to its leg. The following spring he noted the same phoebe came back to the same spot because it still had the thread on its leg. This webinar will go over how modern bird banding is done and show some of the results.
![bird nest](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_feature_fulllifecycle_tonra01.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: The Ecology and Conservation of Migratory Birds Across the Full Annual Cycle
Presented by:
Chris Tonra, Ph.D.
The Ohio State University – School of Environment and Natural Resources
18 February, 2015
Migratory birds occupy many different habitats, sometimes thousands of miles apart, throughout their annual cycle. This presents enormous challenges to understanding the dynamics of populations and enacting conservation and management. To meet these challenges, scientists have had to employ innovative techniques and new technologies to determine how events in different locations are linked through their impacts on individual birds. I will present results from work my colleagues and I have done in Jamaica and the Northeast to reveal how events on tropical wintering grounds influence breeding events in migratory warblers. I will also describe work I am currently beginning in Ohio to address some of these issues for the states migratory birds.
![Female Northern Cardinal in winter](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_wintercardinal.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Snowed In. Winter Birds Survival
Presented by:
Tammy Saunders
Naturalist, MetroParks of The Toledo Area
21 January, 2015
It’s sometimes hard to believe that our tiny warm-blooded feathered friends can survive out there in the freezing temperatures and blowing winter snow storms while we are cuddled up under tons of blankets and drinking hot tea, but they do! Learn how these mighty little survivors make it through the cold harsh winter months using some amazing adaptations!
![Mute Swan](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_musw_odw1.jpg)
Fish & Wildlife Series: All You Need to Know About Mute Swans in Ohio
Presented by:
Jordan K. Linnell
Wildlife Specialist, USDA–APHIS Wildlife Services
18 December, 2014
The Mute Swan was released in North America in the late 1800’s for a seemingly innocent purpose, first turned up in Ohio just over 100 years ago. We wanted Mute Swans to adorn ponds but when we looked harder, we found an “ugly duckling” that destroys wetlands with feeding habits that increase water turbidity and reduce submerged aquatic vegetation. About the size of our native Trumpeter Swan, Mute Swans are not silent in their defense of territory and demand for the limited marsh space still found in Ohio. Our speakers will also tell us about the growing problem at both the state and regional levels as well as what steps are being taken to manage the species and mitigate damage.
![American Kestrel nest box on the back of a highway sign](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_amkebox_duren01.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Unconventional Conservation, Highways as Habitat for American Kestrels
Presented by:
Amanda Duren
Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative
17 December, 2014
While still a common bird in Ohio, populations of American Kestrels are declining across the state. Our innovative nest box trail program allows kestrels to utilize suitable habitat along highways by installing nest boxes on road signs. In this webinar, we’ll explore the challenges and opportunities of working in this unconventional habitat.
![Red-bellied Woodpecker at suet feeder](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_rbwosuet_odw.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Bird Feeding 101
Presented by:
Tom Sheley
Wild Birds Unlimited on Sawmill Road in Columbus
19 November, 2014
Want to do some bird watching at home? Feeding and watching birds is the second most popular hobby in North America. This webinar guides you through getting started or improving your existing set-up. Tom also discusses providing natural and supplemental foods that are nutritionally responsible as well as incorporating water, shelter and roosting sites into the winter landscape.
![Brown Trout](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_browntrout.jpg)
Fish & Wildlife Series: Providing Angling Opportunities – Stocked Brown Trout Survival, Growth, & Movement in 3 Ohio Streams
Presented by:
Curtis Wagner
Fisheries Biologist, ODNR–Division of Wildlife
16 October, 2014
To diversify opportunities available to Ohio anglers, the Division of Wildlife (DOW) annually stocks 25,000 yearling (8-inch average length) brown trout into three program streams, including Clear Creek, Clear Fork of the Mohican River, and Mad River. These streams were previously selected for brown trout stocking based on a combination of adequate angler access, within-stream habitat, and water temperature. Program streams are managed with a combination of bag (two fish per day) and length (12-inch minimum for harvest) limits. Although program streams have been stocked since 1997, no standardized assessments of program success occurred since 2002.
During 2011–2014, DOW District Fish Management and Inland Fisheries Research Unit staff investigated stocked brown trout survival, growth, and movement, combining a batch-marking approach with twice annual standardized electrofishing surveys. One electrofishing survey in late winter assessed maximum relative abundances post-stocking with the other in late summer providing an index of survival through summer heat threats. Not surprisingly, we found that heat kills: when stream maximum temperatures exceeded 75 degrees F for more than seven days our standardized catch rates declined 75%. When cooler summers occurred, we found that brown trout took about two years to reach harvestable size (12 inches). On average, we found that brown trout more likely stayed near where they were stocked; when they did move, they more likely moved upstream than down.
Taken together, our findings (those presented briefly above plus other extended results) emphasize the particular importance of stream temperatures; that is, heat ultimately dictates brown trout success in Ohio. Further, fishery managers will leverage project results to optimize regulations and stocking strategies with the goal of increasing programmatic efficiency while continuing to provide anglers with diverse opportunities.
!["Martha," the last known Passenger Pigeon](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_papimartha.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Lessons from the Passenger Pigeon
Presented by:
John Windau
ODNR–Division of Wildlife
1 October, 2014
September 2014 marks the centennial anniversary of the passing of “Martha” the last known passenger pigeon in the world. Join us for a look into how a species that likely numbered into the billions became extinct within a few decades, how this has helped shape wildlife conservation and the challenges we still face.
![Female Magnolia Warbler photographed during fall.](https://faes-obci.org.ohio-state.edu/obcimain/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/500_sidebar_mawa_shumar01.jpg)
Lunch with the Birds: Identifying Fall Warblers
Presented by:
Scott Albaugh
Instructor, Zane State College
22 August 2014
Identifying fall warblers can be challenging. Learn how to break down the fall warblers into more palatable groups for easier identification. Only a few warblers look drastically different when they migrate through our area in the fall. This presentation will walk you through some of the steps that you can take to master this often perplexing group of birds.
Fish & Wildlife Series: A Success Story in Wildlife Law Enforcement Throughout the US
Presented by:
Dirk Cochran
Law Enforcement Program Administrator, ODNR–Ohio Division of Wildlife
21 August 2014
The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is an agreement that recognizes suspension of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses in member states. This means that illegal activities in one state can affect a person’s hunting or fishing privileges in all participating states. Any person whose license privileges or rights are suspended in a member state may also be suspended in Ohio. If a person’s hunting, fishing, or trapping rights are suspended in Ohio, they may be suspended in member states as well. You will learn the history of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact and how it has become a valuable tool used in Ohio and across the country.
Lunch with the Birds: Creating National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat
Presented by:
Barbara Velez Barbosa
Certified National Wildlife Federation Habitat Ambassador
16 July 2014
National Wildlife Federation is a voice for wildlife, dedicated to protecting wildlife and habitat and inspiring the future generation of conservationist. The presentation covers the four basic elements needed to become a NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat in any size yard: Food, Water, Cover and Places to Raise Young.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Saving Ohio’s Barn Owls
Presented by:
Ken Duren
Wildlife Biologist, ODNR–Ohio Division of Wildlife
16 July 2014
Barn owls were once very common in Ohio, but experienced drastic population declines. Now, their populations are starting to recover. Ken Duren with the Ohio Division of Wildlife will be discussing the interesting story of barn owls in Ohio. You will learn about the history of barn owls in Ohio, including why they declined, what was done to bring them back and what will be done to ensure their future in Ohio.
Lunch with the Birds: Raptor Biology
Presented by:
Barbara Ray
Wildlife Education Director at Ohio Wildlife Center
21 May 2014
Raptors are a phenomenally diverse group of birds, adapted to nearly every type of habitat and with specialized abilities to capture everything from flying insects to fish to mammals or scavenging on carrion. This webinar presents many of the physical and behavioral aspects of these birds, their relationships to one another, and a variety of lesser-known science and ‘fun facts.’ Those wishing to learn more about birds of prey or educators looking for suitable science to inspire and stimulate their audiences will find this presentation engaging and valuable.
Lunch with the Birds: The Wonderful World of Warblers
Presented by:
Tom Sheley
Wild Birds Unlimited on Sawmill Road in Columbus
16 April 2014
Wood-warblers are some of the most sought after, intriguing birds of North America. These small, energetic birds with their vibrant colors and patterns, endearing behavior and spectacular migrations fascinate birders and casual observers alike. Where do warblers originate? Why do they migrate such great distances? Where and how do we find them? Tom shares his fascination with wood-warblers as he explores their origins, destinations and diversity of niches. Ohio, with its diversity of habitats, happens to be one of the best locations in the United States to seek out both migrating and resident warblers. Tom shares some of his favorite “hotspots” to view and photograph warblers.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Cooperatives – The Key to Successful Deer Management on Private Property
Presented by:
Mike Tonkovich
Deer Program Manager, ODNR–Ohio Division of Wildlife
8 April 2014
Interest in deer management among the hunting public has never been greater. While some wildlife professionals fear that the current movement may compromise their ability to do their job as a state, federal, or provincial wildlife biologist, I not only welcome the enthusiasm, but encourage it. Unfortunately, success takes more than encouragement; it takes cooperation. Very few properties in Ohio are large enough to meet the year round needs of the white-tailed deer. Consequently, most entrepreneurs find themselves frustrated with poor results as they quickly realize that you cannot manage deer that spend a majority of their time on someone else’s property. However, by working together through a deer hunting cooperative with those neighbors that share a common goal, you can make a management difference, not only in the deer population but the habitat as well. While the name may be new, the concept of a Deer Management Cooperative is not. It involves nothing more than working together to achieve a common goal that few can achieve on their own because of property size limitations. This presentation explores the development of deer management cooperatives, their limitations, and their role in Ohio’s deer program.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Management of Airport Wildlife Hazards
Presented by:
Jon Cepek
USDA–Wildlife Services
10 March 2014
Wildlife on airports is a very challenging situation for airports, the Federal Aviation Administration and wildlife professionals. Wildlife are often attracted to airports because of food sources, open water and habitat. This results in a situation hazardous to both wildlife and the flying public. An aircraft striking wildlife often results in the death of the animal, and damage to the aircraft. Sometimes this can be so significant that the aircraft is destroyed and there are human injuries or fatalities. Flight 1549 striking Canada geese and going down in the Hudson river is a recent high profile example of what can occur when an aircraft strikes wildlife. This webinar focuses on the challenges of managing wildlife in an airport environment. Wildlife strike information is presented, and strategies to manage wildlife attractants and wildlife on airports was discussed.
Lunch with the Birds: Purple Martins, What a trip!
Presented by:
Paula Ziebarth
26 February 2014
A true native bird to the North American continent, Purple Martins lived here at least twelve thousand years ago. They nested in natural cavities back then, but became accustomed to nesting in natural gourds hung by Native American Indians. Today, east of the Rockies, Purple Martins are totally dependent on humans to supply them with nesting sites. Learn why and how you may be able to attract your own colony of these highly coveted birds to nest on your property. Learn some myths and facts about North America’s largest swallow. In this webinar based on her popular article, Paula Ziebarth discusses proper equipment and management techniques necessary to attract and maintain a healthy Purple Martin colony.
Lunch with the Birds Webinar Series: Owls of Ohio
Presented by:
Jim McCormac
Ohio Division of Wildlife
15 January 2014
The first known bird artwork features Snowy Owls. People are still smitten with owls, 30,000 years after those ancient artists’ depicted owls in a cave in France. Owls are especially in the news this winter, due to a major Snowy Owl irruption that has brought dozens of the big white birds to Ohio. This program discusses the fascinating features that make owls such formidable predators, their relationships with people, and the specifics of the eight species that regularly occur in Ohio.
Lunch with the Birds Webinar Series: eBird 101 – Introduction to eBird
Presented by:
Ken Ostermiller
18 December 2013
Learn the basics of using eBird, a real-time, online checklist program launched in 2002 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society. This webinar covers: 5 sections of eBird web site, How to sign up, How to get a list of birds you might see in a state, county, or hot spot, How to see where birds are being seen on a map, How to enter a checklist, and a Demo of My eBird.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Ohio’s Muskellunge Program – Partnering with anglers to build quality fisheries
Presented by:
Kevin Page
Fisheries Biologist, ODNR–Division of Wildlife
17 December 2013
Muskellunge is a popular sport fish that is prized by anglers for the large sizes they can attain. During the early 1900s, natural populations of muskellunge declined due to pollution and dam construction, and in an effort to rebuild these fisheries, the Ohio Division of Wildlife developed a muskellunge stocking program during the 1950s. Today, nine reservoirs are stocked with muskellunge, providing quality put-grow-and-take fisheries across Ohio, along with an opportunity to experience catching a trophy muskellunge once again. Muskellunge anglers have been vital to the success of this program through reporting of their catches over the last 50 years. The Division of Wildlife is now partnering with anglers on a tagging study that seeks ways of improving these fisheries by evaluating muskellunge population dynamics using angler reports of tagged fish within reservoirs and monitoring movement of muskellunge out of reservoirs using automated tag readers below the dams. This presentation provides an overview of the Division of Wildlife’s muskellunge program and highlights the new tagging study.
Lunch with the Birds: Ohio’s Woodpeckers. Flickers, Sapsuckers, Downies, and More!
Presented by:
Marne Titchenell
Ohio State University Extension
20 November 2013
Woodpeckers are amazing birds – their incredible abilities have earned them the nickname ‘nature’s power tools.’ We will explore why they have earned this title, their interesting lifestyles, and Ohio’s seven different species of woodpeckers.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Ginseng Management
Presented by:
Melissa Moser & Ron Ollis
ODNR–Division of Wildlife
31 October 2013
Ginseng is a native plant in Ohio unlike any other. It shares similarities with game species like deer and turkey in that it has a harvest season and a devoted following of people that carry on a tradition of harvesting. The Division of Wildlife has regulated ginseng since 1999. Topics to be discussed in the presentation include: ginseng biology, habitat, medicinal uses, Ohio law, CITES, harvest, certification, exportation and population monitoring.
Lunch with the Birds: Birding Optics 101
Presented by:
Kyle Carlsen
Assistant Editor, Bird Watcher’s Digest
16 October 2013
Shopping for optics can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. With so many options available, how do you decide which binoculars are right for you? We’ll go over the basics of how to choose and use affordable, quality birding optics.
Bird Watcher’s Digest Optics Buying Guide
No recording is available for this webinar
Lunch with the Birds: The Magic of Recruiting Volunteers
Presented by:
Darlene Sillick
11 September 2013
The magic of recruiting volunteers…just wave the wand and show your biggest smile. Is there some magic to asking others to join your cause and put in time with a something you feel passionate about? I don’t have all the answers but my velvet hammer comes through more times than not. Through a power point and a lively discussion, lets share ideas and thoughts how to get others to say “Yes I Can Help You”!
No recording is available for this webinar
Lunch with the Birds: Using Inquiry-based education to teach and learn about birds
Presented by:
Nichole Nageotte
21 August 2013
Scientific Inquiry demonstrates to students of all ages that anyone can have fun being a scientist. Inquiry is used by people everyday without even realizing it. This webinar goes through the steps of scientific inquiry and provides a few examples of simple inquiry activities that can be done to educate about birds.
Fish & Wildlife Series: Beyond occurrence – Monitoring bird populations with atlas data
Presented by:
Matthew Shumar
Program Coordinator, Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II
15 August 2013
Over 1,000 volunteers in Ohio contributed more than 1 million breeding bird observations from 2006-2011. Additionally, highly trained field staff conducted nearly 15,000 abundance surveys, resulting in a database of bird observations that allows for the most thorough review of breeding birds in Ohio to date. The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio will provide information and change analyses for more than 200 species, as well as detailed population estimates and spatially explicit densities for up to 100 species. These data and results will not only be informative to Ohio’s birders and nature enthusiasts but will provide crucial information for biologists and land managers within the state. Combining citizen science with rigorous field protocols and technological advances allows for an unlimited array of possibilities for ecological sciences.
Finding Solutions to Window Collisions: Lights Out Columbus and Home Remedies
Presented by:
Amanda Duren
Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative
15 May 2013
In this webinar we discussed the causes and potential solutions to one of the largest sources of bird mortality in the US: collisions with windows. Learn about the Lights Out Columbus program and the results of a local Collision Monitoring Program. We also reviewed some ways to prevent window collisions at your home.
Lunch with the Birds: Nestboxes for Birds
Presented by:
Paula Ziebarth and Darlene Sillick
17 April 2013
This webinar will give you an overview of the species of native birds that may readily use nest boxes on your property. We will present design features of a good nest box, siting and mounting requirements, and basic monitoring recommendations.