Priority Projects
Every year, OBCI’s Steering Committee makes recommendations for 2-3 projects to actively focus efforts. Priority projects are typically identified from the All-bird Conservation Plan, and may be ongoing for several years. In addition to updating the All-bird Plan, OBCI has been actively focusing on developing sustainable forest management recommendations for private landowners and forestry professionals that create and sustain habitat for birds throughout all periods of the annual life cycle. Additionally, since 2012, OBCI has been coordinating Ohio Lights Out, an effort to reduce the threat of bird-building collisions and protect populations of migratory birds.
Forest Management
Discover resources for managing your woodlands for birds, regardless of how much land you manage or where you are in Ohio
Ohio Lights Out
Learn about our collaborative approach to reduce the risk of urban areas to migratory birds
All-bird Conservation Plan
Learn about our science-driven approach to conservation planning and species and habitat management